A little flavour of what's in store...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SEO article - make use of Google Blog Search

SEO Article - make use of Google Blog Search.

When you're looking for feedback on a product – don't forget a blog search.

Leisure time in our household has scaled new heights of ingenuity this past few weeks with the demise of our worshipped and revered 32 inch television.

Whilst we wait for sufficient funds to accumulate so that we can buy another, we're making do with the old reliable portable set, that every home seems to possess – you know, the one that's been taken on holiday, thrown down the stairs, lost its tuning knob and still continues to work.

Of course a new television is a major investment and with the nothing less than a 42 inch acceptable (it seems), once again we find ourselves scouring websites for reviews of best buys and bargain prices.

We even have the services of a resident TV guru in the office who's been explaining, to someone whose choice may be governed by the shape of the stand, about the various delights of 768 and 1080 resolutions, blu-ray and why plasma may be a better cinema picture than LCD.

If you're unlucky enough to have to be considering a major new purchase to replace something, remember that technology moves on and what were yesterdays best buys are now todays worst buys.

Sure. There is still a wealth of information to be had, type in a particular television model number and you'll get pages of results back. You can look it up in magazines, but how often do you make use of Google's Blog Search?

Perhaps because it's not very well promoted, still being in that 'beta' status but it works a treat so it won't be long before it's let loose and included in everyday Google searches I'll bet.

On Google's home page, click on “more” (tiny navigation row above the search bar) and then select Blog Search. Type in your search phrase etc and then sort by most relevant or most recent.

It's a good place to start for actual user reviews (if there are any) as you'll hopefully get a review by someone who actually bought the same tv etc and cataloged their own experiences. It just might save you from a costly mistake.

Now where was I? Oh yes... search phrase.... 42 inch LCD television with pretty stand!!

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