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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Google Sitemap Schema - correct syntax - SEO article

Google Sitemap Schema

I've recently noticed that the schema used on Google Site Maps has changed.

It used to be:

Notice the google.com and sitemap/0.84 have changed to sitemaps.org and sitemap/0.9.

I believe it's merely part of a growing standardisation of the growing popularity and widespread use of the Google Sitemaps program.

Now, whilst looking into this change/update on Google's Webmaster Tools page, I've read on one or two websites where they've insisted that to make sure your Sitemap validates, apart from using the correct xml syntax (which is completely correct), they also mention that the sitemap file should have a capital S e.g: Sitemap.xml.

Now I've never been keen on anything other than all lower case for file names - no spaces etc and this intrigued me - could it be true? My own Sitemap and several I have created for other websites have always used a lower case s in the filename and they've always verified ok.

So I went in search of an answer from a higher authority. Here's what I found on the Sitemaps.org website (surely there can be no higher authority on this one?) -
You've guessed it! All references and code snippets they use show the Sitemap filename spelt with a lower case s e.g: sitemap.xml.

So where some of these other sites are getting their upper-case S information from I don't know. All I do know is the lower-case s is shown on Sitemaps.org website.

And whilst they validate - that's good enough for my Sitemaps.

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