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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Amazing what you can learn from Twitter in just a few hours

What i learned from Twitter in just one day...

It was raining hard enough to stop @Julie_K from hoeing her allotment

The Shuttle launch was delayed for a 5th time from @nasa

A few friends were organising a drink in London @maxamphoto

There was a clever iPhone app for the 3GS video @Elke

Mayor of London Boris Johnson (@MayorOfLondon) keeps a 6ft chicken in his back garden @thedailymash

A 3.2 magnitude Earthquake shook LA Airport @gaynorlove

@RNLIrescues - the new Portaferry lifeboat made two rescue calls on its first day

@stuartsharpe wondered what was the greater achievement - Apollo 11 or Apollo 13?

Meanwhile, PR consultant @emilyrobe took the 'Which classic hollywood actress are you?' test and got Marilyn Monroe.

@tdrury had a close encounter with painters in his office re-painting their stairs bannisters.

@ApolloPlus40 (tweeting events as they happened 40 years ago in the run up to the Apollo misson) Survey says 51% of Americans favor manned lunar landing to 41 against - change from 49 for, 39 against in February.

All good stuff eh? To follow Fabulous Photo Gifts on Twitter - click here.

photo credit: foundphotos

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