A little flavour of what's in store...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Valentines Day is nearly upon us - looking for something personalised?

large range of popular personalised photo cushions

Crikey - where's the time gone? Oh right, I know - printing your lovely orders, many of which are sure to be being given to someone special on Valentine's Day.

It's been great working on your photographs of partners, pets and holiday memories and it's not over yet. There's still time to get your order in for many of our Fabulous Photo Gifts and personalised present ideas.

And our popular 'I Love You' wooden jigsaw promotion is still on right up till the 14th of February so if you need a late Valentine's Day gift, then think of us.

We'll always try our best to get your order to you as quickly as possible.

Well - off to do more orders - I promise I won't leave it so long before I write another post.

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