A little flavour of what's in store...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Now we're on fire - Feedburner style

As Fabulous Photo Gifts Blog passes its 200th post mark, we thought it was about time we shared our world of photo gift gossip, news and events plus all the other regular posts, so many of you have come to love, by switching our blog url to Feedburner.

Don't worry - it will all happen seamlessly (in fact if you're reading this, it probably has already) - basically, Feedburner takes our original Blog feed URL (http://purple13.blogspot.com) and takes its updates from that to reproduce a new feed that makes sharing and finding us a whole lot easier.

The best bit is that by using the subscribe button (top / left hand panel), you'll actually subscribe to our original feed (via feedburner) so that if at any time we decide Feedburner isn't working for us (or you), then we won't loose you in the move.

Clear? (as mud!) - don't worry - you'll find us and we'll find you - we've just made it easier - with a little help from Feedburner's services.

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